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Managing Uncertainty
52mins duration
  • Understand why you crave certainty
  • Understand how 'intolerance of uncertainty' drives most forms of anxiety, worry and depression
  • Learn evidence-based, helpful methods for managing uncertainty and negative predictions about the future

What others are saying:


"I really enjoyed your ['Coping Skills for Managing Uncertainty'] Masterclass. I have shared the link for others to purchase the Masterclass with teachers and learning assistants at my school. Thank you for providing this resource. So timely." (Teacher)


"What a wonderful resource Sarah - so much information and super helpful tips that I will use myself and with my clients" (Clinical Psychologist)


"Jumped into this boots & all today - it was brilliant.

Packed full of information in a clear, concise way, and it's so aesthetically pleasing!"


"Timely and an excellent source of info and strategies."


"I am so grateful for your wisdom."

Only $10

(Special price - valued at $210)

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Managing Uncertainty

Managing Uncertainty

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Clinical Psychologist

Auckland, New Zealand

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© 2023 by Dr Sarah Bell-Booth. Illustrations by Jay Allen

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